Tuesday, 7 February 2012

The Corporate Life

So its been a just over a month, living in the corporate world. I can't complain, maybe its the culture at SHAW, which is very laid back...by my standards anyway.  Very very good work life balance...infact..I have soo much free time I have to get increasingly creative on how to entertain myself.  Also learning the ABCs of the corporate politics...its still easier than SU politics..

Lots of going out this weekend, hangin with Dimitri, Devanshias and randoms. This discretionary income deal is dangerous. But I gotta start saving one day..might as well be this day. I still don't know if I am bar person...I think I am a people person. I have this deep resentment of Sam time that I use to love...now always always around people...much happier this way I think.

Roommate, Olivier... well he is 'frugal,' but it's really working out this time. It surprising cause he is one of the only roommates I have ever had that I haven't known before, and blows my mind on how conservative people think.  Always been a big fan of the late night comedy making fun of the 'republican way' but it's actually surreal when you meet someone with that value set. To each his own I guess...but when you start arguing with I don't believe in global warming, and even if it is real, the best people to take responsibility is the private sector....sounds like Fox News propaganda to me.

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