Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Early Morning Cricket Game

Early morning caught a post about a England/India T20 match. Close game but India lost, the amazing thing about the game was that there were actually more Indian fans than Brit fans in Manchester... in MANCHESTER!! I feel for the Brits, when playing on their home turf and fighting the Indian crowd of cricket, who in all their being are probably more Brit than Indian.  Then you have the typical Indian Cricket fan mentality. An Indian can't actually admit that another team is better than them. They always find a scape goat, sometimes an empire but almost always one of their own players. They can't remember that its a team game, and then riot on and on about a player till he plays one good game, at which point Pepsi's ready to sign a black check to that player.

As much as I appreciate Indian Cricket, being a big fan myself and all. Indians have the worst sportsmanship when it comes to Cricket. This is ironic, cause cricket is typically considered THE GENTLEMAN's SPORT.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Purpose of Blogging

People have been blogging for what seems ages now.  I didn't know why I would want to share a written post about my day with anyone, in fact its a personal pet peeve of mine when others start telling me about their day or days. Not that I am not a people person, but those who really understand me know that beneath it all I have always been an introverted nerd.

I have always kept a journal, but my journal has always been about me, it contained opinions and experience that helped me grow but things I wouldn't want to share with anyone.  The purpose of this blog to is to replace my journal. Its not really meant for other to follow but for me to reflect on my life.  I guess there are things that I would write in my journal that I would never put online but the real reason I write is because I find writing helps me analyze the most subtle experiences and realize the depth of everyday conversation.

P.S - Just got a call from three of my favourite friends- Ayoub, Waleed and Khalid. All of which I treasure like family. Especially Ayoub, although he gets ripped on all day, he is nothing less of a brother to me. Tomorrow's gonna be riot in K-town.