Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Fall Blues/Dragons' Den

Haven’t blogged for weeks!! There been much going on recently So came very very close to getting a gig at one the best companies in the world, but then I just got an email saying that they were no longer in a position to fill that spot because of some very recent changes. Maybe its bad luck, maybe its destiny, I am just hoping its not karma. Disappointed by that news, I felt very much to be left alone, and I just called it a early night. That was literally the most exciting thing to happen on my Halloween. Regardless, I am still optimistic about the future, and always try to the think the best of things that happen around me.

Writing this blog from Kamloops right now, here to drive my sister to an interview at a ‘hotel’ called 540…I don’t understand why I am here or why there needs to be an interview in Kamloops. The industry is far more dominant in Kelowna and really nothing about this town that makes me wanna be here…but I am not her, I think she is probably scared that she doesn’t have a job, having a risk adverse personality, some people take the job they get offered rather than a job that’s really right for them. Maybe that’s the right way, I really don’t know, but that’s not what my intuition tells me to do.

So in other news, watching a ton of Dragons’ Den. I always loved the show, but now that I actually started watching it in some capacity and started to analyze makes no sense to me. Its hard to be a judge of the process on the show, because to the best of my knowledge the process compromised for the entertainment value. Being on a national broadcast, and having ‘more accomplished’ just scrutinize yourself only appeals to three types of people. I made a demographic out of them!

Type1: Inventers
 An ambitious inventor, who is not an entrepreneur, does not understand anything about business. These are the people who are more or less on the show can support some claims with sales, typically get the cash. These people are fully aware of the situation and are realistic about expectations Examples include the spike shoe, and the shoelaces. I think the show was probably designed best for these people, and it’s a great avenue for them to develop an idea, as they need the investors resources that are far beyond the cash. The inventor who doesn’t understand evaluation, and inventors seldom do is worth nothing or everything.

Type2: The Moron
 The idiot whose ideas suck so much and they continue to believe in it cause of their own social groups. I think these people at some level know their idea is shit, but they are desperate, so if your desperate, no one local is willing to invest in your idea, you will be attracted to a show like Dragons’ Den…so they take a gamble…pride for potential cash. Plus, they are super entertaining so I am sure the show loves em too. The most extreme example of this is the retard that tries to sell magic water. The less extreme version are all the stupid female specific ideas that exist cause of dirty dirty men....fixin vixen, and that Mrs. Lube..what the fuck was she thinking.

Type3: The I duunos
These people don’t have a clue what they are doing. Hitting up highly saturated markets and claiming that 1% of blah blah blah. Even if they have a decent product/idea…they are not the right people to invest in. They typically don’t have a clue of what’s the cost to market. What’s the competition, what’s the value of the patent…NO clue what is going on. They just throw a number out there and hope other people think they are worth something. Seldom successful, they just don’t understand evaluation. You are NOT worth what you think you will be in 5 years. No one wants to give them money now so in 5 years they’ll be worth the investment they put in today. The whole point of going to an angel for money so that an angel can bet on you and what you worth in five years. The reason that these people don’t work is cause they are gamblers, and the dragons are risk takers. The difference between a gamble and a risk is that a risk is calculated.

Anyway! Favorite Dragon: Brett Wilson. Not just cause we graduated from the same school. But the man thinks with the ethics system that I do. He may have a background in finance, but the man’s a marketer by heart! I loved him from his very first episode, where he opens with, “all this money is for charity anyway, I have enough, your children are going to have enough.” Watching him on the show for me makes him a great role model. The sad news is that in School events, I’d see him all the time, wearing jeans, where everyone else was wearing tuxes. Before the show he was intimidating, soo intimidating to approach as I never did talk to him. After the show, I feel like I can just run up to the guy and share a life story…maybe not quite. But saying Hi to Brett just kind of feels like a missed opportunity, not cause I think it could have led to potential cash or employment! but because I would’ve just been able to take so much away from him in his personality.  Things happen, maybe we’ll meet some other day working for charities we both love

Sunday, 2 October 2011

What to blog about this week! Well, I am the most antisocial I have ever been in my life, but that has also made job hunt more productive. Right now I am looking at hopefully and potentially three different employers. Most of this week has been sitting and waiting for someone to call for a phone interview, I know to expect one on a particular day but that makes it even worse, every time the phone rings, my heart skips a beat.  The feeling is probably best described as the SU elections, but only the last half hour and the anxiety building up, hopefully next week I am employed but I can't say for sure...

Also, this week watched the Kennedy's miniseries, it deserved a higher budget but entertaining/informative regardless. Downloaded a lot of music this week too, weird that Gurdaas Mann is coming to town, and I've never been to big of a fan, but picking up some of his 90's stuff. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Vik's Engagement

It's Tuesday today, last tuesday I was driving back from what I can only say was the best engagement that I've ever been too.  Soo many epic memories...

Going to Calgary at this time was exciting, everyone in University knows that September is the best month to be in School. Lack of homework + summer cash + 20c weather = epic party time.  I knew I didn't want to back to any part of school after graduation (cause I wanna remember it as I last left it), but I did expect to see all my close friends, Dimitri, Camille, Scarlett, Jen, Spencer, the Arabs and obviously the wedding man, Vicky Saab.  In an interesting turn of events, although I let everyone know that I was town, I didn't actually have time to go see anyone. Mostly, cause Vik and his Dad (Anil Uncle) left me no choice. 

So arrival in Calgary at Vik's place, and Vritty(his younger sister) wants me to walk to this view spot with all the little kids....I didn't understand..I live in Kelowna and she was forcing to go check out Calgary 'view'..and then Uncle's got mad at me for not eating...and leaving with the kids...... like he thought I wanted to go. Anyways, met Sonu, very interesting character, never met someone who goes so far right and so far left in his political/ethical spectrum at the same time. Also that night, I met Suki, Arun & Sara.

Engagement Day - Saturday..
What a shit show of a day, early morning shopping trip, emergency visit to the Mexx for a immediate belt...wrote my roast while being driven back from Chinook..Picked up Jiju...despite Di having attachment issues and also showing up to the airport to pick him up... So back at Ashwin Uncle's house me and Sonu are chilling cause we didn't want to get dressed too early. Then we were too late getting ready cause we just waited way too long.  I forgot my hair varnish, the belt was too long, apparently my current hairstyle (Paul McCartney's 60's look) apparently qualified me to do everyone's hair. Jay was really cute that day, followed me everywhere I went...such an adorable kid..God bless him.

So at the engagement, I found that when uncle asked me to do a stupidji speech, he didn't mean a roast. He meant one about how great I thought Vik was. So less then 20 minutes before on the stage, I found out that I was the best man, the MC, and the coordinated with the family on their speeches. They were all nice and short, and my roast (the unedited version from what I wrote on my iphone is below) The night eventually rapped up, with myself, Brij, Raj, Sonu, Harshy, and Birji destroying the dance floor, and passing out...Dadji was historical with the Kusra...where you do even find a Indian tranny in Canada... wtf....

This for babi, before you get engaged there are five things you need to know Vicky and will need to accept as a part of along life commitment.
1. Vikcy will share half of everything with you to try and appreciate your love. There is one thing he won't share half with you, and no matter how much you ask for it.. That one thing is the bed... You'll have to sleep in one tiny corner, amd don't be suprised if you occasionally wake up on the floor.

2. Don't ever get to comfortable sleeping late, Vik has commited to god before all else and as such he wakes up at 6am for a early morning arti, and plays his favourtive instrument, the ganti in the mardir.

3. Always get in the shower before vivek. When in the showe vik likes to read and follow the directions om the Shampoo bottle preciously.  When the water turns off in the shower doesn't mean he is done. It means that he has now finished applying shampoo, and 5 minutes later the shower will turn on again, that means he is ready to rinse it off.

4. When driving, Vik has no middle ground , fast on the gas and hard on the brakes. What is worse is that he has convinced himself with no help of anybody else that he is the best driver in the world. What's important for you is that you never question him on his driving, or this arrangement will never work out and I'll be here giving the same speech 6 months from now.

5. Bhabi, I am sad too say this but you are not the first love of his life. He first love is the great video game known as Final Fantasy. Don't be suprised if after a néw realease, he is spending late nights with the playstation while probably on the phone with me.

= Vik, Bhabi, and Sam Post Toast


Early morning Banff trip, too bad Brij and Raj had to leave and couldn't be part of it, it was great time. I also learned that people from England have trouble walking distances that are further than the garage.  Just kidding, but Sonu, and sister couldn't walk to save their lives. Johnston Canyon isn't that far 2 km walk...Arun almost ran into the tree, bending it, and Suki found out why people take dogs on hikes.
Dinner in Banff at the earls, idiot waiter, and cause Viky didn't wanna take Gitu, me and Sonu never got a chance to check out the sunday night in Banff. Things didn't die down in Calgary, we had enough gas to make it, Vicky passed out, and me and Sonu hit up the night thought about the strip club and the casino and thank God we went to the strip club first, or my $160 in winnings would've been spent on lap dances...Also Sonu...what a saint ..doesn't even gamble a dime..amazing...


Some shopping, some napping, Bhabi made some amazing Shahi Paneer...although we had no room for it...fell asleep in a movie about daddy issues and then followed it with another movie...RACE...and early morning trek back to Kelowna on Tuesday..then straight to Penticton..Tayaji had some knee surgery that he is recovering from.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Website looking Good!

So far the site has been up for just over a day. I have over 135 visiters, 83 unique visitors. I have SEO working well, first hit on Google and Bing(Yahoo) as well.

Vistors from every part of the world, well not every - Canada, US, Australia, France, Korea, Yemen and Kazakhstan...

Other interesting facts - 60 hits to the site where direct (non social media or search engine). Facebook is by large my biggest traffic driver to the site. Google Analytics (when it works) is great!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Early Morning Cricket Game

Early morning caught a post about a England/India T20 match. Close game but India lost, the amazing thing about the game was that there were actually more Indian fans than Brit fans in Manchester... in MANCHESTER!! I feel for the Brits, when playing on their home turf and fighting the Indian crowd of cricket, who in all their being are probably more Brit than Indian.  Then you have the typical Indian Cricket fan mentality. An Indian can't actually admit that another team is better than them. They always find a scape goat, sometimes an empire but almost always one of their own players. They can't remember that its a team game, and then riot on and on about a player till he plays one good game, at which point Pepsi's ready to sign a black check to that player.

As much as I appreciate Indian Cricket, being a big fan myself and all. Indians have the worst sportsmanship when it comes to Cricket. This is ironic, cause cricket is typically considered THE GENTLEMAN's SPORT.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Purpose of Blogging

People have been blogging for what seems ages now.  I didn't know why I would want to share a written post about my day with anyone, in fact its a personal pet peeve of mine when others start telling me about their day or days. Not that I am not a people person, but those who really understand me know that beneath it all I have always been an introverted nerd.

I have always kept a journal, but my journal has always been about me, it contained opinions and experience that helped me grow but things I wouldn't want to share with anyone.  The purpose of this blog to is to replace my journal. Its not really meant for other to follow but for me to reflect on my life.  I guess there are things that I would write in my journal that I would never put online but the real reason I write is because I find writing helps me analyze the most subtle experiences and realize the depth of everyday conversation.

P.S - Just got a call from three of my favourite friends- Ayoub, Waleed and Khalid. All of which I treasure like family. Especially Ayoub, although he gets ripped on all day, he is nothing less of a brother to me. Tomorrow's gonna be riot in K-town.